Vaccine Research and Development Center

Scientific Advisory Board

Advisory Committee

Name Affiliation
Michel Klein, Ph.D. (Chairman) Chief Executive Officer (CEO), CANVAC, Canada
Ih-Jen Su, M.D. Ph.D. Director, Division of Clinical Research, NHRI, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Leaf Huang, Ph.D. Fred N. Eshelman Distinguished Professor and Chair, Division of Molecular Pharmaceutics School of Pharmacy,University of North Carolina
Michael M. C. Lai, M.D. Ph.D. Vice President, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Mong-Ling Chu, Ph.D. Distinguished Investigator, Center for Drug Evaluation, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Monto Ho, M.D. Emeritus Investigator, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Steve H.S. Kuo, MD. MPH. Ph.D. Director, Center for Disease Control, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Special Consultant for FLU & SARS Vaccine

Name Affiliation
Albert D.M.E. Osterhaus, DVM, Ph.D. Head of the Institute of Virology, Erasmus University (Erasmus MC), Institute of Virology, The Netherlands

Special Consultant for General Vaccine Knowledge

Name Affiliation
Hans Wigzell, M.D., Ph.D. Microbiology & Tumor Biology Center (MTC), Karolinska Institutet, Sweden