Vaccine Research and Development Center


Origin & Mandates of the NHRI Vaccine Center

The concept to have Taiwan Vaccine Center for Research and Development was proposed in 1992 and the Center for Diseases Control (CDC) of Taiwan was appointed by Executive Yuan to conduct the "human vaccine manufacturing plans" in 1997. In order to facilitate the "Strategies for Biotechnology Development in Taiwan", the Executive Yuan in 2001 appointed National Health Research Institute (NHRI) to take over the "human vaccine manufacturing plans" and integrate the current Vaccine and Serum section of CDC into a new NHRI Vaccine Center for Research and Development. After a year site survey and vaccine center working group discussions, in January 24, 2002 the Department of Health approved the Vaccine Center

Center Mission

The NHRI Vaccine Center will become the leader in developing novel vaccines and immunotherapeutic candidates to fulfill Asian unmet health care needs. To achieve these goals we will use vaccine technologies to validate the candidates in targeting species and establish strategic external alliances if necessary. Recognizing employee partnerships are the keys to our success, we aim to nurture open door and sense of urgency policies, proactive and transparent teamwork to sustain productive and innovative Research and Development environment.


Organization chart of Vaccine Center

Objectives (2005-2008)