Secretary General's Office
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Secretary General Hung-Che Chiang, M.D., Ph.D.

Published papers:
- 1. Po-Ya Chang, Horn-Che Chiang: Physician Characteristics and distribution in the southern Taiwan. J Public Health. 1980;6(4):333-341.
- 2. Yuh-wehu Liou, Ching-Sang Hsu, Horn-Che Chiang: Survey on heat exposure indices of working environment in aluminum factories. J Technology. 1980;5(4):423-434.
- 3. Po-Ya Chang, Horn-Che Chiang, Ting-Ting Chang, Armstorng Hung-Long Chuang: Lead poisoning: Study on the occupational lead poisoning in the southern Taiwan. (I) The health status of the battery works. The Formosan Science. 1981;35(1):12-28.
- 4. Po-Ya Chang, Horn-Che Chiang: Study on the occupational lead poisoning in the southern Taiwan. (II) The investigation of class Ш battery works. The Formosan Science. 1981;35(2):21-27.
- 5. Po-Ya Chang, Horn-Che Chiang, Ting-Ting Chang, Armstorng Hung-Long Chuang: Lead poisoning: Study on the occupational lead poisoning in the southern Taiwan.(III) The health status of plants of lead-electroplated cable, chrome yellow, lead-electroplated water box, minum and tin-soldering stereo. The Formosan Science. 1981;35(3,4):74-83.
- 6. Horn-Che Chiang, Po-Ya Chang: The correlation between blood lead level and living environment for residents in Kaohsiung county. Annual Report of Provincial Institute of Environmental Sanitation. 1981:305-310.
- 7. Horn-Che Chiang, Po-Ya Chang: The correlation between blood lead level and living environment for residents in E-Land country. Annual Report of Provincial Institute of Environmental Sanitation. 1983:191-196.
- 8. Trong-Neung Wu, Chun-Tsan Cheng, Horn-Che Chiang, Po-Ya Chang: The simple assessment of proteinuria on industrial hygiene. J Environ. Protection Society R.O.C. 1983;6(1):77-82.
- 9. Chiang HC, Chang PY. Lead Intoxication in Shipscrapping Employees in Taiwan. Kaohsiung Med. Sci5. 1989 May;5(5):284-90.
- 10. Chiang HC, Chang PY. Lead exposure among Kaohsiung traffic policemen. Kaohsiung J. Med. Sci. 1989 Jun;5(6):314-9.
- 11. Chiang HC, Chen SS, Yu HS, Ko YC. The Occurrence of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Frozen Food Factory Employees. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 1990 Feb;6(2):73-80.
- 12. Chen TJ, Chiang HC, Chen SS. Effects of aircraft noise on hearing and auditory pathway function of airport employees. J Occup Med. 1992 Jun;34(6):613-9. (SCI)
- 13. S.S. Chen, T.J. Chen, H.C. Chiang, and J.J. Huang: Toxic Neurological Diseases in Taiwan. Proceeding of the International Conference on Peripheral Nerve Toxicity. 67-71, 1993.
- 14. S.S. Chen, H.R. Chang, T.J. Chen, C.K. Ho, H.C. Chiang and H.S. Yu: The Change of Lymphocyte β2-adrenergic Receptors in Workers with Toxic Serum Lead Levels. Proceeding of International Conference on Peripheral Nerve Toxicity. 73-75, 1993.
- 15. Chiang HC, Ko YC, Chen SS, Yu HS, Wu TN, Chang PY. Prevalence of shoulder and upper-limb disorders among workers in the fish-processing industry. Scand J Work Environ Health. 1993 Apr;19(2):126-31. (SCI)
- 16. Wu TN, Chiang HC, Huang JT, Chang PY. Comparison of blood pressure in deaf-mute children and children with normal hearing: association between noise and blood pressure. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 1993;65(2):119-23. (SCI)
- 17. Po-Ya Chang, Trong-Neng Wu, Horn-Che Chiang: The recommendation of surveillance system of blood lead in Taiwan. Public Health Quarterly. 20(2):135 142, 1993.
- 18. Liou SH, Wu TN, Chiang HC, Yang GY, Wu YQ, Lai JS, Ho ST, Guo YL, Ko YC, Chang PY. Blood lead levels in the general population of Taiwan, Republic of China. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 1994;66(4):255-60. (SCI)
- 19. Trong-Neng Wu, Horn-Che Chiang: Occupational noise exposure and fetal noise. Chinese J Occup Med 1(1):1-5, 1994.
- 20. Trong-Neng Wu, Horn-Che Chiang: Risks of hearing loss during pregnancy and perinatal period. Chinese J Occup Med 1 (2): 1-7, 1994.
- 21. Wu TN*, Shen CY, Yang GY, Liou SH, Ko KN, Chiang HC, Lai JS, Ho CK, Chang PY. Establishment of an occupational diseases surveillance system to monitor blood lead levels in Taiwan. Prev Med. 1995 Jan;24(1):85-8.
- 22. Liou SH, Yang GY, Wu TN, Ko YC, Lee CC, Ho ST, Lai JS, Wu YQ, Chiang HC, Ko KN, et al. Assessment of interlaboratory performance on the measurement of blood lead levels in Taiwanese adults. Ind Health. 1995;33(4):181-90. (SCI)
- 23. Liou SH, Wu TN, Chiang HC, Yang GY, Yang T, Wu YQ, Lai JS, Ho ST, Lee CC, Ko YC, Ko KN, Chang PY. Blood lead levels in Taiwanese adults: distribution and influencing factors. Sci Total Environ. 1996 Feb 23;180(3):211-9. (SCI)
- 24. Liou SH, Wu TN, Chiang HC, Yang T, Yang GY, Wu YQ, Lai JS, Ho ST, Guo YL, Ko YC, Ko KN, Chang PY. Three-year survey of blood lead levels in 8828 Taiwanese adults. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 1996;68(2):80-7. (SCI)
- 25. Chang HR, Chen SS, Chen TJ, Ho CH, Chiang HC, Yu HS. Lymphocyte beta2-adrenergic receptors and plasma catecholamine levels in lead-exposed workers. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 1996 Jul;139(1):1-5. (SCI)
- 26. Chang HR, Chen SS, Ho CK, Chiang HC, Cheng JT, Chen TJ, Yu HS. The β-adrenoceptors and catecholamine levels in lead poisoned rats. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 2. 1996 February: 69-72. (SCI)
- 27. Chen TJ, Chen SS, Hsieh PY, Chiang HC. Auditory effects of aircraft noise on people living near an airport. Arch Environ Health. 1997 Jan-Feb;52(1):45-50. (SCI)
- 28. Wu TN*, Liou SH, Shen CY, Hsu CC, Chao SL, Wang JH, Chang SF, Ko KN, Chiang HC, Chang PY. Surveillance of noise-induced hearing loss in Taiwan, ROC: a report of the PRESS-NHL results. Prev Med. 1998 Jan-Feb;27(1):65-9. (SCI)
- 29. Saou-Hsing Liou, Yuang-Tai Hhung, Der-Ming Wu, Trong-Neng Wu, Horn-Che Chiang, Guang-Yang Yang, Kquei-Nu Ko: Efficacy of Double Sampling Method in a Study of Blood Lead Levels of Taiwanese General Population. Chinese Journal of Occupational Medicine.1998 Jul;5(3):165-77.
- 30. 蔡憲唐、江宏哲、李來錫、郭倉義,「健保組織員工績效評核之研究-以高屏分局為例」,亞太經濟管理評論,1998,2卷1期:81-95。
- 31. 林峰立、蔡憲唐、江宏哲、鄭榮郎,「標準作業程式在醫療產業的應用-以中央健保局高屏分局為例」,中山管理評論,1998,6卷4期:1219-1232。
- 32. 蔡憲唐、葉惠忠、江宏哲、林清維,「住院醫療費用審查ABC三級分案作業」,醫院,1999,32卷6期:62-71。
- 33. 蔡靜芳;金惠民;洪信嘉;蔡碧仁;李蕙蓉;陳瑩霖;江宏哲;黃孟娟*:台灣地區營養師使用網路資訊之調查(An Investigation of Internet Use among Registered Dietitians in Taiwan.)臺灣營養學會雜誌。2007 Mar;32卷1期:9-19。
- 34. Chiang SL, Jiang SS, Wang YJ, Chiang HC, Chen PH, Tu HP, Ho KY, Tsai YS, Chang IS, Ko YC*. Characterization of arecoline-induced effects on cytotoxicity in normal human gingival fibroblasts by global gene expression profiling. Toxicol Sci. 2007 Nov;100(1):66-74. Epub 2007 Aug 6. (SCI)
- 35. Bong CN, Yu JK, Chiang HC, Huang WL, Hsieh TC, Schouten EJ, Makombe SD, Kamoto K, Harries AD*. Risk factors for early mortality in children on adult fixed-dose combination antiretroviral treatment in a central hospital in Malawi. AIDS. 2007 Aug 20;21(13):1805-10. (SCI)
- 36. Ho CK, Yen YL, Chang CH*, Chiang HC, Shen YY, Chang PY: Epidemiologic Study on Work-Related Eye Injuries in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 2007 Sep;23(9):463-9.
- 37. Ho CK, Yen YL, Chang CH, Chiang HC*, Shen YY, Chang PY. Case-Control Study on the Prevention of Occupational Eye Injuries. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 2008 Jan; 24(1):10-6. (SCI)
- 38. Tung YC, Lin KH, Chang K, Ke LY, Ke GM, Lu PL*, Lin CY, Chen YH, Chiang HC. Phylogenetic Study of Dengue-3 Virus in Taiwan with Sequence Analysis of the Core Gene. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 2008 Feb;24(2):55-62. (SCI)
- 39. Huang MC, Chen ME, Hung HC, Chen HC, Chang WT, Lee CH, Wu YY, Chiang HC, Hwang SJ*. Inadequate Energy and Excess Protein Intakes May Be Associated With Worsening Renal Function in Chronic Kidney Disease. J Ren Nutr. 2008 Mar;18(2):187-94. (SCI)
- 40. Wang SY, Tsai JC, Chiang HC, Lai CS*, Lin HJ. Socrates, problem-based learning and critical thinking --- a philosophic point of view. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 2008 Mar;24(3 Suppl):S6-13. (SCI)
- 41. Chen CY, Wu CY, Tsai TC, Lin WT, Lee WJ, Su CC, Chen HC, Chiang HC*. Fas Expression on Peritoneal Macrophages during Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Peritonitis. Ren Fail. 2008;30(3):297-301. (SCI)
- 42. Chen CS, Lai CS, Lu PY, Tsai JC, Chiang HC*, Huang IT, Yu HS. Performance Anxiety at English PBL Groups Among Taiwanese Medical Students: A Preliminary Study. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 2008:24(3):s54-8. (SCI)
- 43. Huang MC, Wang TN, Wang HS, Sung YC, Ko YC, Chiang HC*. The -1131T>C polymorphism in the apolipoprotein A5 gene is related to hypertriglyceridemia in Taiwanese aborigines. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 2008 Apr;24(4):171-9. (SCI)
- 44. Tung YC, Lin KH, Chiang HC, Ke LY, Chen YH, Ke GM, Chen TC, Chou LC, Lu PL*. Molecular epidemiology of dengue virus serotype 2 in the taiwan 2002 outbreak with envelope gene and nonstructural protein 1 gene analysis. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 2008 Aug;24(8):398-407. (SCI)
Accepted (in press) papers:
- 1. Chiang HC, Yu KL, Yap SF, Goh KK, Mo MH, Yang TW, NGO YG, Hsu SJ, Wu YC, Lai CS, Ko YC, Chang PY. Awareness of HIV/AIDS prevention and acceptance of HIV testing among residents in Likoma Island, northern Malawi. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. (accepted 20-Nov-2008)
- 2. Kwong Leung Yu, Chin Nam Bong, Meng Chuan Huang, Chih Cheng Chen,Ying Chin Ko, Po Ya Chang, Tai Heng Chen, Hung Che Chiang*. Use of hospital medical records for child injury surveillance in northern Malawi. Tropical Doctor (under revision 05-Dec-2008)
- 3. Hung MC, Wang TN, Lee KT, Wu YJ, Lee CH, Tu HP, Liu CS, Chang WT, Ker CG, Chiang HC, Ko YC. Adiponectin gene SNP 276variant and central obesity confer risk factors of impair fasting glucose status in Taiwan aborigines. Circulation Journal. (accepted 16-Nov-2008)
Conference papers:
- 1. Horn-Che Chiang, Po-Ya Chang, Trong-Neung Wu, Shun-Sheng Chen, Hsin-Su Yu, Ying-Chin Ko: The important role of industrial safety and hygiene training in junior college for technology. Proceeding of the 5th T. V. E. conference ROC: 8167-8183, 1990.
- 2. Shun-Sheng Chen, Horn-Che Chiang, En-Fan Juan: Ultrastructure changes in sural erves of industrial toxic polyneuropathy. Abstract of Symposium on Industrial Hygiene 1991 (Kaohsiung Medical College ) : 161-165, 1991.
- 3. Horn-Che Chiang, Shun-Sheng Chen, Wen-Chang Liu: Surveillance criteria for identifying work-related carpal tunnel syndrom. Abstract of Symposium on Industrial Hygiene 1991 (Kaohsiung Medical College): 166-169, 1991.
- 4. Tsan-Ju Chen, Horn-Che Chiang, Po-Ya Chang, Shun-Sheng Chen: Studies of auditory nerve function and hearing in aircraft noise exposed employees. Abstract of Symposium on Industrial Hygiene 1991 (Kaohsiung Medical College): 52-55, 1991.
- 5. Trong-Neung Wu, Horn-Che Chiang, Po-Ya Chang, Wen-Che Hwang: Study on the relationship between blood lead concentration and zinc protoporphyrin. Abstract of Symposium on Industrial Hygiene 1991. (Kaohsiung Medical College):13-16, 1991.
- 6. Horn-Che Chiang, Matsuoka, Naohide Inoue, Shen-Yi Lin: The mechanism of metabolic ncephalopathy induced by n-Hexane in vitro study. Abstract of Symposium on Industrial Hygiene 1991 (Kaohsiung Medical College): 155-158, 1991.
- 7. 劉玉文, 江宏哲, 許菁珊 : 鋁業工廠高溫環境之指標測定與評估第五屆全國技術及職業教育研討會論文集. PP 8201-8211, 1990.
- 8. 江宏哲, 張博雅, 吳聰能, 陳順勝, 余幸司, 葛應欽 : 工業安全衛生訓練在技職教育中之角色.第五屆全國技術及職業教育研討會論文集. PP 8167-8183, 1990.
- 9. 鄭君燦、吳聰能、江宏哲、張博雅: 蛋白尿檢查法在工業衛生上簡單評估 高雄醫學院工業衛生研討會論文摘要. P 12, 1982.
- 10. 江宏哲 吳聰能 張博雅:舊船解體勞工鉛作業之健康危害評估高雄醫學院工業衛生研討會論文摘要. P 6, 1982.
- 11. 吳聰能 江宏哲 張博雅 黃文哲 曾麗荷 葛應欽:血中鉛含量與血中鋅原紫質之相關性研究高雄醫學院工業衛生研討會論文摘要. P 13, 1991.
- 12. 周騰達 蕭添木 張家禎 吳明蒼 劉宏文 劉文章 盧勝男 何啟功 江宏哲: 某游離輻射作業員工三年來血液學數據的分析報告,高雄醫學院工業衛生研討會論文摘要. P 19, 1991.
- 13. 李培聞 陳正宗 陳贊如 張博雅 陳順勝 江宏哲: 航空器噪音曝露工作人員焦慮指數及性格之研究高雄醫學院工業衛生研討會論文摘要. P 48, 1991.
- 14. 陳贊如 江宏哲 張博雅 陳順勝: 航空器噪音曝露工作人員聽神經功能及聽覺之研究 高雄醫學院工業衛生研討會論文摘要. P 52, 1991.
- 15. 盧勝男 何啟功 郭芳秀 周騰達 江宏哲 劉宏文 劉文章 曾清楷 : 建立以ALT之多變項複迴歸評估作業環境對肝功能影響之分析模式---勞工體檢新趨勢,高雄醫學院工業衛生研討會論文摘要. P 70, 1991.
- 16. 盧勝男 何啟功 郭芳秀 周騰達 江宏哲 劉宏文 劉文章 曾清楷:多變項複迴歸找出作業環敬境肝臟危害物質的實際應用高雄醫學院工業衛生研討會論文摘要. P 74, 1991.
- 17. 蕭添木 何啟功 黃吉志 蔡米山 蘇旺彬 周騰達 盧勝男 江宏哲 劉文章:退休鍋爐工人之胸膜斑-五例報告,高雄醫學院工業衛生研討會論文摘要. P 51, 1992.
- 18. 蘇旺彬 劉文章 何啟功 周騰達 蕭添木 江宏哲 盧勝男 蔡米山:二氧化氮引起之急性肺水腫--一例報告,高雄醫學院工業衛生研討會論文摘要. P 53, 1992.
- 19. 劉玉文 江宏哲 張標 石東生 葉文裕 林進基:台灣地區高溫作業勞工熱暴露實況調查研究---作業環境部份高雄醫學院工業衛生研討會論文摘要海報展. P105, 1992.
- 20. 李培聞 陳正宗 顧進裕 江宏哲 陳順勝:亞硝酸鈉中毒及成功治療之個案報告,高雄醫學院工業衛生研討會論文摘要海報展. P130, 1992.
- 21. 李培聞 陳正宗 江宏哲 陳順勝 黃尚志:以農藥(康得農素)自殺成功之案例(硫酸銅中毒)高雄醫學院工業衛生研討會論文摘要海報展. P133, 1992.
- 22. 井上尚英 江宏哲 松岡雅人 森晃爾 藤代一也 姜泰安:環氧乙烯之慢性毒性作用--動物實驗之回顧,高雄醫學院工業衛生研討會論文摘要海報展. P136-137, 1992.
- 23. 江宏哲 松岡雅人 井上尚英 姜泰安 吳佩芬 葛應欽:L-TRYPTOPHAN之急性毒性作用之動物實驗,高雄醫學院工業衛生研討會論文摘要海報展. P147-148, 1992.
- 24. 江宏哲 林進基 何先聰 陳旺儀 吳聰能 葛應欽:中鉛含量與血壓值相關之初步研究,高雄醫學院工業衛生研討會論文摘要海報展. P151-152, 1992.
- 25. 江宏哲 松岡雅人 井上尚英 林憲儀 陳順勝 葛應欽:正已浣代謝性神經中毒機轉研究-動物體外試驗高雄醫學院工業衛生研討會論文摘要海報展. P155-156, 1992.
- 26. 陳順勝 江宏哲 莊豔凰:工業中毒性神經病變時腓腸神經之電子顯微鏡變化高雄醫學院工業衛生研討會論文摘要海報展. P 161-162, 1992.
- 27. 江宏哲 陳順勝 劉文章 盧勝男 周騰達 何啟功 葛應欽 曾清楷:職業性腕道症候群診斷標準初探,高雄醫學院工業衛生研討會論文摘要. P 166-167, 1992